Square space or Wix? This is the big question.

The truth is both platforms are brilliant for different reasons and you just have to find the right one for you.
Let’s have a look at why and how they are different…
Wix - Great for those with an eye for web design but little to no code experience. Provides so much creative flexibility and great resources.
Squarespace - A great, really easy to use option especially if you're familiar with some basic code but can look very generic when a template is used without code.
They are both great platforms for those who don’t have the budget for an SEO expert and need the basic tools to do as much basic SEO as they can themselves but for me, I prefer the layout of Wix SEO features.
They both provide good tech support and you can also pay a platform professional to work on your website for you if you’d prefer though I would always recommend asking the same studio you are working on your brand design with to design your website too for full brand consistency. You can easily implement shopping features into both platforms though I prefer the flexibility Wix provides personally.

Both platforms ask you a few questions to ensure they are providing you with relevant templates and most of those templates are great for small businesses.
On Wix, we have a large range of apps for you to choose from depending on your needs which again is great for anyone looking for a click-and-go approach. Squarespace will ask more questions before offering templates to try to cater to your needs as best as they can, from there though it’ll take a little more time for inexperienced coders to implement any other tools.

It is definitely worth mentioning Wix Editor X too. This is a great tool for someone who is looking to level up their site by including really interesting visual effects. You don’t need to know code but it definitely takes some getting used to after being so familiar with the regular Wix editor.
All in all, it really does depend on what you need your website for and what your skills include. If you are totally new to coding or short for time you’re probably better off using Wix. If you know a bit of code and have the time to improve your knowledge than Squarespace has the ability to create some stunning websites.
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